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Works That Work, No.1
The pilot issue demonstrates that creativity is not the exclusive domain of artists or designers, but something that surrounds us in our daily lives.
At a time when many magazines are shrinking in size and readership, or closing down entirely, we are starting a new one.
by Peter Biľak (310 words)
Chefs on the Battlefield
Director Peter Kerekes documents the stories and recipes of the men and women who keep their armies fed… …and perhaps change history in the process.
by Martin Kollár (654 words)
Dabbawallas: Delivering Excellence
Mumbai’s dabbawallas pick up and deliver more than 350,000 home-cooked lunches to office workers every working day. How did this amazingly efficient delivery system develop from its start with one boy on a bicycle?
by Meena Kadri (1772 words)
Custodians of Beauty
Dingeman Kuilman examines how art has divorced itself from aesthetic considerations and argues for a return to beauty as a measure of artistic merit.
by Dingeman Kuilman (1629 words)
British Respect
The story behind the enigmatic photo of a beached supertanker.
by Peter Biľak (708 words)
Dutch Design
An innovative project strengthens the Netherlands’ seacoast while creating new recreational areas and a stable ecosystem.
by Peter Biľak (593 words)
Space for People, Not for Cars
Hans Monderman, father of the Shared Space movement, argued that reducing traffic regulations can improve road safety. Statistics prove him right, but not everybody is convinced.
by Viveka van de Vliet (2322 words)
Refugee Gardens
Photographer Henk Wildschut documented how refugees at the Shousha transit camp beautify their grim surroundings and help to support themselves.
by Henk Wildschut (308 words)
Aiming To Reduce Cleaning Costs
The picture of a fly in the urinals at Schiphol Airport has been touted as a simple, inexpensive way to reduce cleaning costs. Where does it come from, and how effective is it really?
by Blake Evans-Pritchard (1972 words)
Translation Is a Human Interchange
Peter Biľak talks with Linda Asher, former fiction editor at The New Yorker and translator of Milan Kundera’s French works, about her work, good translation and good translators.
by Peter Biľak (4009 words)
Point Me Where It Hurts
Kwikpoint guides enable basic communication between US troops and locals in Afghanistan and Iraq. Each one requires careful research how to communicate across barriers of language and culture.
by Barbara Eldredge (2828 words)
Evil Prevails When Good Men Fail To Act
Ralph Schraivogel spent four months crafting a poster design whose simplicity belies the intensive, meticulous work behind it.
by Ralph Schraivogel (487 words)
Bastard Chairs
Michael Wolf photographs life and vernacular culture in Chinese metropolises. His recent project focuses on quintessential design objects — chairs.
by Michael Wolf (293 words)
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