Meeting Our Readers
The best thing about publishing a magazine is meeting our readers.
On Valentine’s day, we officially launched Works That Work magazine in The Hague at the Stroom art centre. It was part of the Zefir 7 design lecture series, which is also where we launched Dot Dot Dot magazine thirteen years ago.

WTW magazine launch in Stroom Den Haag, 14 February 2013 (Photos by António Cruz)

136 people crowded into a space normally reserved for 80 people, and in the festive atmosphere Peter Biľak presented the ideas behind the magazine. The audience was especially enthusiastic about Social Distribution, and several readers offered to deliver magazines to their favourite bookstores. WTW is a design magazine for non-designers, so we need to have a presence in general-interest bookstores too, and are grateful for your help.
The best thing about the launch was seeing how engaged our readers are. Several people called it ‘their’ magazine, as they had been connected with the project from the very beginning, even before it existed, by helping to fund it. Now that the magazine has been printed, readers are becoming even more engaged as they help to promote and distribute it. We also welcome suggestions for articles, and your help will make it even better.
We will have a few more occasions to meet our readers, with more magazine presentations planned.
The next one will be in London, on 8 March 2013, 8pm, at X Marks the Bökship, 210/ Unit 3 Cambridge Heath Road, London E2 9NQ
We will then have two presentations in Brazil: in São Paulo on 21 March 2013, 9pm
and in Rio de Janeiro on 25 March, 7pm.
And we’ll wrap it up with a presentation in Vancouver on 9 April 2013, 6.30pm at Artspeak, 233 Carrall Street, Vancouver, BC
More details will be announced here on this page soon, so check back to keep up with all the latest news!